Thursday, May 9, 2013

Reviewing for the Grade 8 NYS Intermediate Science Exam 

I came across a great resources provided by Edwards-Knox Central School. Essentially it is an old Prentice Hall textbook broken down into notes by chapter. Worksheets and lab sheets accompany each of the chapter notes to help supplement learning. This website also indicates which standards are being covered and when you are ready to test what you have learned, it provides practice quizzes.

All of these resources can be reach at the following link. Click HERE to access the website provided by  Edwards-Knox Central School.

If you want to have a little more fun while trying to quiz yourself, you could always play a science game. These types of games could add competition to learning for those that thrive on this type of stimulation. Games are broken down to links by unit or topic:
Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Geology, Living Environment, Meteorology  Nature of Science, and Physics.

Click HERE to play some science games and quiz yourself!

Good Luck! You got this!