Now its up to you!
Show me what you got! Put all the skills your science teacher and this review blog have taught you to work! You can ACE it! I know you can. You've been working hard all year long. Now it is time to show me what you got! Good Luck!
Below I will provide links to all the previous NYS Intermediate Science Exams and Living Environment Regents.
NYS Intermediate Science Exams Years 2001-2012:
In this link you will see each of the exams from the past years. Each year will contain links to the actual test, answer key, and scoring guide. Hope this helps with your practice.
NYS Living Environment Regents Years 2003-2013
In this link you will see each of the exams from the past years. Each year will be broken into the January, June, and August exams. Each exam tab will contain the actual test, answer key, and scoring guide. Hope this helps with your practice.